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James Parkyn is a portfolio manager with PWL Capital Inc. and is securities-licensed by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

François Doyon La Rochelle is a portfolio manager with PWL Capital Inc. and is securities-licensed by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

Raymond Kerzérho is the Director of research with PWL Capital Inc. 

Dec 22, 2020

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following portfolio management and financial planning subjects:

  • In the news: Goldman Sachs merges 5 thematic ETFs. What can we learn from that?
  • Evaluating portfolio performance: a roundtable
  • Good advice of the...

Dec 9, 2020

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following subjects:

  • Capital Gain Distributions from Canadian ETFs
  • Private equity funds
  • The good advice of the day: Year-end tax planning (part II)
  • Listener’s question: What are the consequences of...

Nov 25, 2020

In this episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following subjects:

  • Canadian banks launch a new type of bonds
  • The “Active-Passive Barometer” report from Morningstar
  • The good advice of the day: Year-end tax planning part 1
  • Listener’s question: What’s...

Nov 11, 2020

In this fourth episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following subjects:

  • In the news: the flurry of “blank cheque” IPOs (Special Purpose Acquisition Corporations or “SPACs”) in the U.S.
  • Indices underlying Asset Class ETFs are not all the same:...

Oct 28, 2020

In this third episode of Capital Topics, James Parkyn, François Doyon La Rochelle and Raymond Kerzérho discuss the following subjects:

  • An interview with Sébastien Betermier of McGill University about the Canadian Pension Model of investing
  • The good advice of the day: « Consider mutual fund and ETF risk ratings with...