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James Parkyn is a portfolio manager with PWL Capital Inc. and is securities-licensed by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

François Doyon La Rochelle is a portfolio manager with PWL Capital Inc. and is securities-licensed by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC).

Raymond Kerzérho is the Director of research with PWL Capital Inc. 

Nov 22, 2023

In this Episode, James Parkyn & François Doyon La Rochelle will first discuss year-end tax planning strategies for investors in Capital Market Securities

Then, they will chat with Raymond Kerzerho, PWL’s Senior Researcher, about his latest blog regarding Canada’s major pension plans.

Links to share:

Oct 25, 2023

In this Episode, James Parkyn & François Doyon La Rochelle will address why we prefer using total market ETFs or mutual funds to build our portfolios rather than other investments solutions.

They also share their thoughts on a real hot button issue for all Canadians, Taxes!

Raising taxes on top income earners is often...

Sep 27, 2023

In this Episode, James Parkyn & François Doyon La Rochelle give a brief overview of how registered education savings plan works and what are the best strategies to tap into your RESP savings most efficiently. 

They also drill down into the stock component of your portfolio and on how much global exposure you...

Aug 2, 2023

In this Episode, James Parkyn & François Doyon La Rochelle review the Market Statistics as of June 30,2023 and update their listeners on Inflation.

Market Statistics – June 2023 : Market Statistics - Statistiques de marché (

Read The Script:

1) Introduction:

François Doyon La Rochelle:


Jul 5, 2023

In this Episode, James Parkyn & François Doyon La Rochelle review the latest eBook authored by James Parkyn titled Investing Life Skills for Early Savers. 

This eBook is available on the Capital topics website and in our Team’s section on the PWL Capital website and will provide important life skills that will...